We Tune You Up
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WTYU.rocks We Tune You Up
Kevin McElroy
Editor, Tune Up Magazine
It’s time to get real: if you’re not actively supporting the indie rock stations playing your music, you’re doing it wrong. At Tune Up and WTYU, we’re here for one purpose: to give bands the spotlight they deserve. And guess what? You won’t get this from the so-called “mainstream” stations who might spin your track once before dumping you for the next flavor of the month. We’re here for the long haul, but we need your backing to keep this fire burning.
We get asked all the time, “How can I support the station?” If you’re asking that, you’re already one step ahead, but let’s kick it into overdrive. Here’s exactly how you can help us support you—and why it matters.
Social Media Shoutouts: This one’s dead simple. Next time you’re sharing our posts, add a personal touch. Tell your friends why Tune Up and WTYU are the real deal. Social media is our soapbox, and we need your voice to be loud and proud.
Old-School Word of Mouth: Here’s a throwback. Tell your friends. Tell your family. If you love the music we play, don’t keep it to yourself. Show ‘em the rock gospel and invite them into the fold.
Comment and Contribute: If you’re fired up about the music, let us know. Drop comments, engage, and be a part of the conversation. We’re here to back you up, but it’s gotta be a two-way street.
Show Up for Events: Whether it’s a live show or a virtual hang, your presence matters. Our community isn’t just pixels and soundwaves—it’s real people showing up, showing out, and building the next generation of rock.
Support the Merch: Rock bands know that merch is the backbone, and so do we. Rep the station with a tee, hoodie, or whatever catches your eye. You’ll look good, and you’ll be throwing down for the community that fights for your right to rock.
Get Your Business in the Mix: If you run a business, our audience is your audience—people who are loyal, passionate, and actually listen. Consider supporting the station that keeps your community rocking. It’s not just an ad; it’s a message that you’re invested in the future of rock and the indies who keep it alive.
Support in Any Way You Can: The financials of running a station aren’t glamorous, but they’re damn important. Gear upgrades, streaming fees, the works—it all costs. If you can pitch in, we won’t forget it.
Skill and Strategy: Not everyone can cut a check, but maybe you have skills in marketing, web design, or social media. If you’re ready to lend a hand, your expertise could help keep us rocking stronger than ever.
Look, Tune Up and WTYU aren’t just “another station.” We’re a community of musicians, fans, and rock devotees with one shared goal: to amplify music that deserves to be heard. By stepping up and getting involved, you’re ensuring that our scene has a future. Your support isn’t just a pat on the back; it’s the lifeline we need to keep indie music on the air and in your ears.
You’re either in, or you’re out—no in-betweens. So, let’s make this rock movement undeniable
Written by: Tune Up Webmaster
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