The Crickets Stayed in Clovis
Ricky Warwick
Top listeners: We Tune You Up
Kimber Lee
Contributing Writer,
Alright, gentlemen, let’s get something straight: if you’re trying to impress a rocker chick, you’ve got to bring more than just a cool band tee and some half-assed attempt at swagger. This isn’t the 80s, and I’m not impressed by your air guitar. If you think you’re going to woo a woman with nothing but attitude, you’re setting yourself up for failure. As the great philosopher Dirty Harry once said, “A man’s got to know his limitations.” Translation: if you’re not a supermodel, don’t pretend to be. If you don’t know Jack from Judas Priest, don’t fake it.
I’m here to set you straight, so take a seat and listen up. This might sting, but you’re better off getting the truth from me than looking like a complete fool in front of that rocker chick you’ve been eyeing.
You want to impress a rocker chick? Cool, but first, do a little self-assessment. Are you the kind of guy who can pull off leather pants? If not, that’s fine. Not every guy can be Lenny Kravitz. Know your style, your personality, your limitations. Trying to act like something you’re not? Major turn-off.
If you’re rocking cargo shorts and New Balances on the daily, don’t think you’re going to transform into Slash overnight. Be you—just a cooler, more self-aware version of you. Authenticity, guys. It goes a long way. If she’s into rock, she’s into the real deal, not some poser trying too hard.
This is critical. I can’t tell you how many guys think that being “quirky” or “different” makes them stand out. Here’s the reality check: it doesn’t. It just makes you weird. There’s a fine line between having personality and acting like you belong in the circus. If you’re that guy who sits at the bar and awkwardly stares, muttering weird stuff under your breath about how “deep” the music is… nope. Hard pass.
Before you even think about making a move, check in with your buddies. Ask them, “Am I weird?” If they laugh, guess what? You’re weird. Fix it. Real friends will set you straight, so take their advice. If you don’t have friends who will, that’s a whole other problem.
Listen, if there’s one thing that rocker chicks hate, it’s overconfidence. You know the type. The guy who thinks he’s God’s gift to women just because he can name-drop some obscure garage band from 1976. Spare me.
Confidence is cool. It means you know who you are, what you bring to the table, and you don’t feel the need to prove it every second. Cockiness? That’s just insecurity dressed up with a bad attitude. So when you walk up to her, don’t try to impress her with how many vinyl records you own. Be laid-back, be chill. Let her talk, listen, and don’t try to one-up her with your encyclopedic knowledge of every album released in 1984.
Let me be crystal clear about this: if you’re only chasing her because she looks hot in leather pants, you’re doing it wrong. Rocker chicks are not just eye candy for you to ogle. We’re real women with real emotions, and what we really want is someone who can connect with us beyond the superficial.
Here’s a little secret: women—rocker or not—want someone who actually cares. We want someone who’s thoughtful, who’s going to ask us about the stuff that matters, not just what concert we’re hitting up next. You don’t need to write us poetry or serenade us under the moonlight (please don’t), but at least make an effort to be emotionally present. And for the love of all things holy, don’t be overbearing. Nothing kills a vibe faster than a guy who tries too hard to control the conversation, the relationship, or her. We’re independent, we like our space, and if you smother us, we’ll be gone faster than you can say “Encore.”
Newsflash: this isn’t a competition. Rocker chicks have probably been to more shows than you, headbanged harder, and might even know more about the bands you love. Trying to out-rock her is just sad. If she throws down some music knowledge, respect it. If you know something cool, share it, but don’t turn it into a battle of rock trivia.
It’s about enjoying the music together, not proving who’s the bigger fan. Plus, let’s be honest, if you try to keep up with her at a concert, she’s probably going to leave you in the dust. Let her rock out, respect her space, and if you’re lucky, she’ll want you there by her side.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: “Yeah, I play a little guitar myself.” Ugh. If you’re seriously still thinking you can impress a rocker chick by mentioning you strum a few chords, then you’re stuck in a cliché, my friend. Guess what? Half the dudes at a rock show play guitar. Being “that guy” isn’t going to set you apart.
Instead, talk about what actually interests you. Maybe you’re into vintage vinyl, or maybe you know a great local dive bar with killer live bands. Bring something real to the table, not some recycled pick-up line.
Rocker chicks are independent by nature. We don’t need a knight in shining armor riding in on a Harley to save the day. In fact, we’d prefer you didn’t. We’re cool standing on our own two feet. So, if you’re the kind of guy who feels the need to “protect” us or hover like a helicopter, do us both a favor and back off.
We want a partner, not a bodyguard. Show respect for her independence, her choices, and her space. Support her, sure, but don’t think for a second she needs saving. You’re there to share in the badassery, not take it over.
Want to impress a rocker chick? Be real. Be confident, but not arrogant. Show her you can connect on an emotional level, respect her independence, and for crying out loud, don’t be weird. A little humor goes a long way, and if you can make her laugh without coming off like a fool, you’re already ahead of the game. Now go out there and rock it—just don’t try too hard.
Written by: Tune Up Webmaster
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